Chess training

4 entradas

Sammy Reshevsky

We have a new book! it is «Learn from Sammy Reshesvky»

Learn from Sammy Reshevsky

Learn from Sammy Reshevsky

In his heyday, Samuel Reshevsky was one of the great contenders for the world title and, according to Bobby Fischer, for a period of about ten years, from 1946 to 1956, he was the best player in the world.

This book contains sixty of his best games, all analysed and annotated.

It also includes exercises and answers to various questions that might arise in the mind of the reader.

I believe this is a good method, both for teaching and learning.

The author hopes that in this way the reader will learn from the magnificent play of Sammy Reshevsky, and grow to admire it as much as I do.

You can download a sample from:

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Ponteareas, December 31st 2023

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century  is now avalilable!

The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four chapters.

Mastering attacking play in chess is a dream that we all long to achieve, but of course the art of attack does not arise by itself.

Constructing positions which favour the attack is the most difficult task.

In this book we shall see games with brilliant finishes, but we shall also draw attention to the different phases through which the struggle passes, in order make such finishes possible.

Attention has been paid not only to what happens on the board but also, wherever possible, to the influence of the analysis engines not only on a player’s preparation for the game, something that has become more important in these early years of the new century, but also on the practical context of the game.

The games are prefaced by brief biographical information and a short description of the events of the game.

After each game some lessons are highlighted.

Sample to download

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, June 26th

Xadrez de Ataque no Século XXI

¡Ya disponible!

Xadrez de Ataque no Século XXI

Muestra para descargar

Desde aquí se puede descargar una muestra:

O livro é sobre 36 partidas, as melhores e mais instrutivas partidas de ataque disputadas no século XXI.

As partidas são comentadas em profundidade, com perguntas e exercícios nos momentos críticos, é uma modalidade eficiente tanto para o treinamento quanto para o ensino.

Este é o 38º livro do GM Zenón Franco Ocampos do Paraguai.

De la Introducción

«Faz alguns anos, escrevi um livro intitulado “A Arte do Ataque”, esta obra trata sobre o ataque também, embora as partidas comentadas recebam um foco adicional.

Prestei atenção não só ao que acontece no tabuleiro, mas também, quando pude, a algo mais frequente neste início do século, a influência do computador na preparação e, em geral, no contexto prático do jogo. Para destacar essa crescente influência nos jogos, fui ajudado pelas inestimáveis informações ​​que os protagonistas nos dão, cada vez que o consegui.

As partidas estão comentadas no formato “Jogada a jogada” (N. do T.: popularmente conhecido no ambiente enxadrístico brasileiro como “lance do mestre”), que é útil tanto para treinar e aprender, como também para ensinar….»

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, 10 de diciembre de 2022

Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games

By GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

I am very happy because my book Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games has just been published.

It is possible to download a description of the book and a sample here:

The book consists of forty of his best games, played between 1970 and 2008, annotated in the “Move by Move” format, with questions and exercises, a method which is effective both for training and teaching.

I found strange that there are almost no books about his games, because Ljubojević reached number 3 in the world rankings and he was a potential candidate for the world title.

It has been a pleasure to study the games of Ljubojević in depth and to write about his style of play, which is so pleasing and original.

At the start of his career Ljubojević was notable for his dynamic and original style but his play gradually became more rounded and positionally refined.

Second book of Zenonchess Ediciones in English

It is our second book in English, after Bobby Fischer Explained and some stories:

It is also the 8th book of Zenonchess Ediciones and my book number 37.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Ponteareas, March 5th 2022