Books of Zenonchess Ediciones

6 entradas

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century

Attacking Chess in the 21st Century  is now avalilable!

The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four chapters.

Mastering attacking play in chess is a dream that we all long to achieve, but of course the art of attack does not arise by itself.

Constructing positions which favour the attack is the most difficult task.

In this book we shall see games with brilliant finishes, but we shall also draw attention to the different phases through which the struggle passes, in order make such finishes possible.

Attention has been paid not only to what happens on the board but also, wherever possible, to the influence of the analysis engines not only on a player’s preparation for the game, something that has become more important in these early years of the new century, but also on the practical context of the game.

The games are prefaced by brief biographical information and a short description of the events of the game.

After each game some lessons are highlighted.

Sample to download

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, June 26th

Red Star from Belgrade

The Red Star marketing were very kind to send me the link where my book «Ljubojević’s best chess games» was mentioned.

Even if I don´t understand the text, I really like to read it in Cyrillic, it brings me back to the 80s and 90, when I visited the beautiful country called Yugoslavia where chess was so popular.

They sent me a translation of the text.

Red Star from Belgrade, thank you!

Translation of the text


The book «Ljubojević’s best chess games» by Zenon Franco Ocampos was recently published.

The book was printed in English and it describes the 40 best chess games of the legendary chess grandmaster of the Red Star Ljubomir Ljubojević in the period 1970-2008.

On the title page of the book, there is a photo of our Ljubo from the archives of «Zvezdina revija» and Red Star marketing.

Ljubojević belongs to the generation of extraordinary chess players led by Anatoly Karpov.

Ljubo was 3rd on the list of the best chess players in the world and a potential candidate for the title of world champion.

He is the author of 37 books in seven languages ​​dedicated to chess.

He has been writing chess columns for the Paraguayan newspapers Hoy and ABC Color for 17 years and is a columnist for magazines in Argentina, Italy and Spain.

Zenon is a very respected grandmaster and FIDE Senior coach.

During his chess career, Zenon won the title of Pan American Champion in 1981.

He participated in 11 chess Olympiads, from Haifa (Israel) in 1976 to Batumi (Georgia) in 2018.

Zenon won individual gold medals for the best result in the first table at the Olympiad in Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1982 and Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) in 1990. years.

He was also a member of the Spanish national team at the Olympics in Elista (Russia) in 1998.

Zenon Franco’s best ranking on the Elo list was 66th place in January 1982.

As a coach, he was the director of the school «Escuela Kasparov Marcote de Galicia» from 1995 to 1999.

Among his most successful students are Grandmaster Francisco Vallejo Pons and International Master David Martinez Martin.

In 2016, Zenon received the award of the Parliament of Paraguay for «invaluable and deserved contribution to Paraguayan sports», for his chess career and selfless help in the development of chess in Paraguay.

In the same year, the «Isaac Boleslavsky Book of the Year» was awarded by the FIDE Trainer Commission.

Red Star Club

Club Estrella Roja

Red Star Club from Belgrade

The kind people of Red Star Marketing asked me a photo with my book of Ljubojevic, the one that it is here.

They allowed me to use a photo for the front cover of my book and I sent them one volume in appreciation for it.

Red Star Club was a strong football team in the 80s, now their basket team is even more successful.

Anyway, it was there where Ljubomir Ljubojevic started to play chess.

He was a talented young boy for football, when he was injured he was forced to give up football, but fortunately chess became his passion.

Red Star Marketing told me they will publish information about the book in their web and in their magazine.

It gave me a lot of pleasure, I am looking forward to see it.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, April 14th, 2022

Club Estrella Roja de Belgrado

Desde la web del Club Estrella Roja de Belgrado me pidieron una foto con el libro de Ljubojevic, que es esta.

Fueron tan amables que me permitieron usar la foto de Ljubo que estaba en su página para la portada del libro y yo les envié un ejemplar de agradecimiento.

El Estrella Roja de fútbol era un equipo yugoeslavo muy fuerte en los 80 (rival del Madrid en los 80, recuerdo), ahora el de baloncesto es más fuerte.

En todo caso el Estrella Roja es el club donde Ljubo se hizo aficionado al ajedrez.

De chico era un talento para el fútbol, hasta que una lesión lo alejó del fútbol y nos lo regaló para el ajedrez.

De la web del club Estrella Roja me dijeron que iban a sacar la foto con información sobre el libro.
«Me hace ilusión» como se dice en España, estoy ilusionado esperando verlo.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, 14 de abril de 2022

“Viktor el terrible”

Korchnoi en 1976
Tras pedir asilo político

Un 23 de marzo como hoy nació uno de los más grandes de la historia del ajedrez, Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi (Leningrado, URSS, 1931- Wholen, Suiza, 6 de junio de 2016).

Cuando jugué por primera vez con él (Olimpiada de Lucerna, 1982), era una leyenda que todavía aspiraba a ser campeón del mundo.

Como conté otras veces, en los años 70 y 80 se viajaba menos que ahora, por lo que era difícil ver a ajedrecistas ilustres que se “conocía” solo a través de libros y revistas.

Una charla inolvidable con «Viktor el Terrible»

Tuve la suerte de charlar con él y conocerlo un poco, además de jugar varias veces con él.

Tenía una personalidad muy fuerte, pero a la vez era muy comunicativo.

Charlé varias veces con él, pero un recuerdo que valoro mucho fue cuando hice un viaje en tren de casi una hora con él en Suiza.

Fue en 1983, después de vencer a Lajos Portisch el primer match de Candidatos.
Su siguiente rival iba a ser un joven Garry Kasparov.

Me dio su opinión sobre esos matches, Fischer, la URSS, etc., creo que en esa charla fue más sincero y más categórico que cuando escribió sobre algunos de esos temas en los libros.

Me siento muy afortunado por esa charla y especialmente por haber jugado y conocido un poco a «Viktor el Terrible».

Franco vs Korchnoi, Las Palmas 1992

Podía ser (muy) desagradable cuando competía y también muy respetuoso.

El libro “Evil-Doer” de Sosonko lo retrata a la perfección.

Nota en ABC Color de Paraguay

Escribí varias notas sobre él, para los que no la leyeron, hablo un poco de “Viktor el terrible” en mi nota 581 publicada el 30 de marzo de 2016 en ABC Color de Asunción, Paraguay.

Trata sobre su match con Tigran Petrosian de Il Ciocco 1977.

Allí se puede ver un poco cómo era su carácter:

Il Ciocco 1977 Korchnoi vs Petrosian

La nota con hermosas fotos y un visor de la partida puede verse en Tabla de Flandes:

Otras efemérides de hoy

En otros 23 de marzo como hoy nacieron muchos maestros, como el croata Mato Damjanovic (1927 – 2011), jugó en Buenos Aires 1970 y se quedó por varios meses en Argentina, en espera de otro gran torneo, que se canceló, jugué en una de las muchas simultáneas que dio (me ganó).

También el ruso-israelí Vladimir Mikhailovich Liberzon (1937-1996), el italiano Stefano Tatai (1938 – 2017) y el español José García Padrón (1958), entre otros.

Un gran triunfo de «Ljubo» en Linares

Un día como hoy finalizó el torneo de Linares 1985, en el que se impuso Ljubomir Ljubojevic, empatado a puntos con Robert Huebner.

Detrás quedaron Portisch, Korchnoi, Timman, Polugaevsky, y otros fuertes maestros.

En esos años Ljubojevic llegó a ser el número 3 del mundo, solo por detrás de Kasparov y Karpov.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Ponteareas, 23 de marzo de 2022

Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games

By GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

I am very happy because my book Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games has just been published.

It is possible to download a description of the book and a sample here:

The book consists of forty of his best games, played between 1970 and 2008, annotated in the “Move by Move” format, with questions and exercises, a method which is effective both for training and teaching.

I found strange that there are almost no books about his games, because Ljubojević reached number 3 in the world rankings and he was a potential candidate for the world title.

It has been a pleasure to study the games of Ljubojević in depth and to write about his style of play, which is so pleasing and original.

At the start of his career Ljubojević was notable for his dynamic and original style but his play gradually became more rounded and positionally refined.

Second book of Zenonchess Ediciones in English

It is our second book in English, after Bobby Fischer Explained and some stories:

It is also the 8th book of Zenonchess Ediciones and my book number 37.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Ponteareas, March 5th 2022

Coming soon!

Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games

I am very happy because in a few days a new book by Zenonchess Ediciones will be published.

It is “Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games”.

I was surprised because there are almost no books on him, Ljubojević reached number 3 in the world rankings and a potential candidate for the world title.

The book consists of forty of his best games, played between 1970 and 2008, annotated in the “Move by Move” format, with questions and exercises, a method which is effective both for training and teaching.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Ponteareas, March 3rd 2022