Zenonchess Ediciones Libros de Ajedrez de GM Zenón Franco Ocampos

Capablanca and Fischer!

José Raúl Capablanca

The third World Champion, Jose Raul Capablanca, was born in Havana, Cuba, on this day, November 19th, from 1888.

People who speak Spanish consider him “our” World Champion, as he is the only one with Spanish as his mother tongue, so we are celebrating today 😊.

Bobby Fischer Explained And some stories

I am very excited because my book “Bobby Fischer Explained And some stories” has just been published.

It includes 60 commented games (and 10 fragments), and also some stories.
The book is based on a question-and-answer format to involve the reader and is therefore ideal training material.

It is ideal for both learning and teaching chess.

As usual, I highlight the practical aspects of competitive chess.

Since we are playing, not against computers, but against human beings like ourselves, who make mistakes, like or dislike the position, get tired etc.

To fairly experienced chessplayers, some of Fischer’s games will already be well-known, or at least familiar.

But memories of many of these games are likely to be hazy, so that taking a fresh look at them, using the Move-by-Move method, is likely to be very beneficial

This is a chess book, not a biography.

But it includes interesting anecdotes from Fischer’s tournaments in Argentina which will probably be new to readers.

You can download a sample here: https://www.zenonchessediciones.com/bobby-fischer-explained-and-some-stories/

This is the first book of Zenonchess Ediciones published in English.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Ponteareas, November 19th, 2021

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